Trader Helper is completed and released to the public as a full product.
The Internals package for calculating currency momentum is completed to production quality along with some new material in the pipe.
So far I have a very workable C# package for doing Linear Algebra, Rooting Finding, Non-Linear MultiVariable & Multi-Equation min/max, filtering, and soon some AI type stuff. Neural network code is also completed with simple backpropagation working. To come will be weight updates with a genetic algorithm, BFGS, and IRPOP+
The Internals package for calculating currency momentum is completed to production quality along with some new material in the pipe.
So far I have a very workable C# package for doing Linear Algebra, Rooting Finding, Non-Linear MultiVariable & Multi-Equation min/max, filtering, and soon some AI type stuff. Neural network code is also completed with simple backpropagation working. To come will be weight updates with a genetic algorithm, BFGS, and IRPOP+